Your podcast hosts, Pete and Gretchen, are in a battle that many people fight. They have weight and health issues that have become a pretty big (pun intended) problem. Join them as they share their stories as a husband and wife working together to find real results!
Monday Jun 17, 2019
The Gretchen Show!
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
It’s been a minute, but they are back!
Episode 74 is what everyone has been waiting for since the beginning – The Gretchen Show! #Viewsfromthecouch and a big training update. This is all about Gretchen this time and you don’t want to miss it.
Oh, Pete is there too. But the real question is, “What is a ‘streak mile’ anyway?”
As always, thank you to our patrons!
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Thursday May 23, 2019
Food Fatigue
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Episode 73 is packed with entertainment! Ok, maybe not, but it’s uploaded.
Gretchen starts us out with the usual #viewsfromthecouch before updating us on her “training.” Does getting a note from Coach Andy count as starting training for the 10K?
Pete updates his training, talks about the May Reset, and even answers a couple of listener questions. Pete also plugs his upcoming 50K at the Badger Trail Races in Wisconsin. There is still time to join him. Then the couple debates Rob’s idea of running at the Biltmore. You can guess who doesn’t love that idea!
Finally, we get an update on weight loss and food choices. Both Gretchen and Pete are experiencing food fatigue. Losing weight is exhausting and it has caught up with them. What is the plan to fix it?
As always, thank you to our patrons!
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Saturday May 11, 2019
Embrace the Crazy
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
Episode 72 is a little light on #viewsfromthecouch and Gretchen even breaks some crazy news about a loyal listener and patron. Could this revelation be true?
Pete updates us on his #Mayreset, including a tough week at work and how he fit in his training. His runs should really be a part of “When Animals Attack.”
Finally, the couple gets into their review of the movie Free Solo. And it is a take that only they would come up with, so don’t miss it.
As always, thank you to our patrons!
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Yes, journey is back, and so is Gretchen’s famous #viewsfromthecouch. This week she honors a listener request and gets deep into two shows.
The bulk of the episode is about Pete’s recent blog posts. He has puzzled through so much of what’s happening inside that he is now ready for solutions. Pete’s May Reset comes none too soon!
As always, thank you to our patrons!
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Jay Cutler Did What?
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Gretchen’s longest #viewsfromthecouch ever is the big story of episode 70. She came prepared with notes on a ton of shows. She also gets really worked up about one of them. Pete chimes in with his usual nonsense before they reveal Gretchen’s 10K race. Not surprisingly, she wants to minimize the training effort to get there.
Pete talks about his complete lack of training and how legitimate reasons have morphed into excuses. Will he get back on track? For his sake, he better!
Tune in next time to see if Gretchen gets her way and “journey” is back.
As always, thank you to our patrons!
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Monday Apr 01, 2019
#NPF and an Eye Roll
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Episode 69 is all about Gretchen and the return of #viewsfromthecouch! Or at least the first 15 minutes is, and we know people cannot wait.
Lots of surprises in this episode, including a Gretchen eye roll, Pete changing jobs, a coaching change, and some training updates. OK, not all of those are surprises, but still.
Then Pete turns the subject to his new food philosophy - #NPF. Moving on from the uber-restrictive sounding #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains), he outlines why #NPF (No Processed Food) fits better into what they are really trying to do. He also has a clunky “everyone has a different furnace” analogy to explain why things are not as simple as calories in/calories out for weight loss.
Finally, Gretchen gets on Pete about finding a 10K for her to run. She’s really looking forward to training. (We almost typed that with a straight face.)
As always, thank you to our patrons!
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
How Much Racing is Too Much?
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Episode 68 features Pete having a roundtable discussion with John Harris and Rob Bozovich from the Endurance for Everyone podcast. Where’s Gretchen? Well, she decided to sit this one out. Fear not, #viewsfromthecouch will be back next episode!
Pete was listening to a Ten Junk Miles episode when he had a question: Why does it seem racing a lot is seen as a good thing, even glorified?
So, he reached out to John and Rob to talk it through. Who believes in racing often? Is there a way to run a race without racing? Do they just bicker and talk over each other? All those questions and more are answered!
As always, thank you to our patrons!
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Exercise, Eating Right - Is There a Link?
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Episode 67 is dedicated to Pete’s friend, Tanya Mikolajczyk. Tanya passed away this week after a short battle with colon cancer. Pete met Tanya’s husband, Mike, when they started working together at 16 years old, and Mike and Tanya were already together. 33 years of love. Rest in peace, friend.
Gretchen’s #viewsfromthecouch returns with notes and everything! She also commits to a timeframe for her 10K. We can’t wait to see how the training goes.
Pete talks about his return to running after the marathon and the other challenges he is doing. And the Weight Loss Challenge gets him thinking about the potential link between exercise and wanting to eat better.
They wrap up with a new review and Patron shoutouts.
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Ep 66 - Race Recap: One City Marathon with Pete and Rob!
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Episode 66 is a special race recap of Pete’s first marathon! After a brief introduction with Gretchen talking about a postponed #viewsfromthecouch and #spectatorrecap of the race, Pete updates the weight loss challenge he mentioned last episode. Starting March 12th for 120 days (until 7/10), the FatMan Chronicles and Endurance for Everyone podcasts team up to help other lose weight. Look for an invite to the Facebook group soon and feel free to bring others long for the weight loss extravaganza!
The bulk of the episode features Pete diving into the One City Marathon with Rob Bozovich from Endurance for Everyone.
Spoiler Alert: Pete finished, and Rob was with him every step of the way. There were mostly ups and a few downs, and even a couple of surprises along the way. Pete does most of the talking this episode, so be warned – you don’t want to operate any heavy machinery while listening!
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Ep 65 - A FMC Challenge & Lou Pagotto!
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
A special bonus episode this week from Pete & Gretchen!
Episode 65 opens with a SPOILER ALERT of the Masked Singer in Gretchen’s #viewsfromthecouch. Then Pete makes a special announcement about a FatMan Chronicles 120-Day Weight Loss Challenge. Details coming soon but it starts on March 12th, so be ready!
Then the couple interviews Gretchen’s co-worker – Lou Pagotto. Lou sent us a bio and it is outstanding, so we share it here in its entirety:
“I am a product of a small town in Ontario born to immigrant Italian parents. Didn’t distinguish myself athletically while growing up as I was undersized. Played all sports in high school but did not play hockey and that made me an outlier. Life in a small Ontario town revolves around the success of its hockey team.
Played intermural athletics in college and during that period I started running short distances as I needed activity to keep some level of fitness between beer drinking.
Post college I dabbled at the 5K to 10K distance but did not go beyond until age 39 when I tried a half marathon. In the intervening 17 years I had gotten married, fathered and helped parent 3 kids and was chasing a career. I did a couple more half marathons before 2001 at which point it was time to fully commit to a marathon as the window was closing.
The marathon era lasted 6 years until late 2007 but recovery from chronic injuries were taking a mental toll. Due to high mileage I had several ‘over use’ issues and had become susceptible to calcium buildup in my heels and shoulders. Consciously I wound down the running in 2008 and took up road cycling as a substitute cardio activity.
The cycling continues to this day, and at least once a year, friends get together for a destination ride. We train indoors in the winter, then get on the road in mid April to build up endurance for the getaway week in the summer/fall. We’ve ridden in Texas, California, New York state, Iowa, France, Spain, and of course Canada. This fall we plan to conquer the Dolomites in Italy.
Over the past few years, I have experienced the loss of muscle mass that accompanies aging. With running or cycling, I had convinced myself that to get better, one had to do more mileage. It was all about improving the endurance dimension of performance. During the 18 years of running/cycling, with little cross training, my balance, flexibility, power and speed were all receding. There was nothing special about my diet either. With the concentration on cardio, I ate anything I wanted and was stuck at 184 lbs, albeit the mix had been tending to less muscle and more fat.
All my reading indicated that as you age, and once the cumulative loss of muscle mass hits a critical point, its difficult to get it back. With less muscle, your body becomes unstable and in turn you are more inclined to experience falls or unknowingly overload your joints even with normal day to day activity (why can’t I lift that luggage into the overhead compartment). These minor inconveniences accelerate the decline in your overall mobility. It was time for me to do a reset.
In June 2018 I embarked on a Keto diet program in concert with intermittent fasting (18/6). My hope with Keto/IF was to improve digestion, sleep, sharpen focus and alter body composition. As a by product maybe lose weight. In September I cut down cardio workouts from 5 days a week to 2 and added 4 days of body weight routines. Before the daily routine I start with 40 minutes of prep involving glute activation, hip/ankle mobility exercises, stretching and dynamic movement, all aimed at improving balance, flexibility and stability. In March, I will tweak the exercise routine again to focus more on leg strength/stability and less on chest/arms/back
What’s important to me now is not PB’s from a run or ride but rather longevity. How does my exercise routine and diet put me in a better position to have a great quality of life when I’m over 80. Its been said that people born today may be the first generation who can expect to live to 100. My desire is having the ability to get on the ground to play with my great grandchildren in my mid 80s without worrying about the consequences of falling or getting back up.”
Now, get out there and #bebettertoday!
Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, or in your favorite podcast app!
Also, consider becoming a patron by clicking the Patron button at: https://patron.podbean.com/fatmanchronicles. Pete & Gretchen can’t offer much, but the shout out, good karma, and appreciation will make your life better!
Get your FMC gear and swag at fatmanchronicles.com/shop.
Find FatMan Chronicles at:
Twitter & Instagram - @fatmanstories
Email – fatmanchronicles@outlook.com
Music – “You Got Me Wrong” by Sifar